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The campaign: Shadowverse world wide tour.

The task: A trade show booth build with custom trading card photo op. A fully customized user interface with random card outputs. An epic experience. 


Our first stop on the worldwide campaign with Shadowverse from

CyGames was PAX East in

Boston, MA.


Our Clever Creation for this convention was a custom branded booth build, with lounge area, charging stations and a studio quality trading card photo booth. 



Stop two of our the Shadowverse tour was at Rage Expo in 

Tokyo, Japan. 


We doubled down, and brought two photo booth stations to pump out even more custom trading cards!


We ventured on with our double photo station setup, and expanded our booth build out for Anime Expo in

Los Angeles, CA.


We had a prime location in the center lobby of the Los Angeles Convention Center, making this a key attraction with exceptional through put. 


Las Vegas, NV
Home of EVO, an annual esports event was where we rounded off the season. 


We even created hand held cutouts of the current top players, like Daigo of Team Beast!

Will you become legendary? 

Join us in Tokyo this December for the Shadowverse World Grand Prix!

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